Monday, December 19, 2011

What is Gold Gamat Sea

Gold-G is made from the extract Gamat / Sea Cucumber Sea marine animals that contain lots of

health benefits for the human body. Gamat water it will release your reliance of chemical drugs.

Versatile Traditional Medicines From Hundreds of Years Ago

Use of Gamat (Sea Cucumber, Sea Cucumber) as a traditional antiseptic and a multipurpose remedy

for various diseases has been known since 500 years ago on the island of Langkawi, which is a small

island in the Malay peninsula (Malaysia).

Typically, the water drunk Gamat to women after childbirth to stop the bleeding, and accelerate the

wound healing process of circumcision on boys Langkawi Island people.

At that time, the water still Gamat traditionally processed so that it has drawbacks, such as the color

is not attractive, and smells. At present, our factory has found a high-tech processing Gamat which

produce extracts Gamat / Sea Cucumber / Sea Cucumber (Gold-G Sea Cucumber Jelly) quality, clear

colorless and odorless, and does not reduce the efficacy and nutrient content contained therein.

Consumption Gamat Emulsion 1 tablespoon a day you will be protected from the disease: Diabetes /

Diabetes Mellitus, Cholesterol, Typus, Digestive Problems / Maag, Hepatitis, Proriasis Skin


Lupus Disease, Arthritis / Arthritis Bone, Tumors Stomach, Respiratory Problems / Asthma, Lung

Inflammation, Coronary Heart, Epilepsy, Cancer, Stroke, Thalassemia etc..

Gold has proven Gamat Water is able to treat various diseases and have been used since the time of

our ancestors as a Powerful Alternative Medicine and effectual.

Gold gamat sea cucumber

Gamat jelly-G Gold Sea Cucumber Jelly is a jelly-shaped products (not capsules). There is a slight

smell but do not sting and do not interfere.

How do I consume?

Consumption is very easy way, by the way is poured into a tablespoon then drink immediately, dose

adjusted to the needs as follows:

• To maintain health, just one tablespoon a day before bed.

• For mild pain therapy, take 2 tbsp 3 times a day before meals.

• For pain therapy is, take 3 tablespoons three times daily before meals.

• For severe pain therapy, take 5 tbsp 3 times a day before meals.

• For hospital treatment of sugar or diabetes with severe injuries, while drunk is recommended with

evenly smeared on the wound using a clean cotton, as much as 5 times a day, this will speed wound

healing and drying (Both the old wounds and new wounds are highly recommended).

• For the healing of the incision or burn, drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day, and put on the wound as

much as 5 times a day

There are other ways to power it work faster?

In order to power the faster it works, dissolved in liquid Gold G corresponding to the size of the dose

in 1 / 2 sd 1 cup warm water (200 ml). Stir until completely dissolved. Drinking the solution until the

end. This method is recommended for patients with stroke, hepatitis, liver and severe hypertension.

Can mixed with other drinks?

Can also be mixed with your favorite beverage (milk, tea, juice etc.).

Can a child drink?

Safe for all ages, from toddlers to seniors. My son was 1 year old drink-G Gold.

I'm taking medicine from a doctor.

When I can drink Gold-G?

If you're taking medication from a doctor's prescription, give a distance of approximately 1-2 hours.

Gold-G may be taken before or after taking medication. Before and after the meal. Gamat jelly-G

Gold Sea Cucumber Jelly is not a cure, but as a nutrient or food but provide benefits therapist. Very

natural and safe with no side effects.

How it is stored?

Once the bottle cap is opened, Gold-G should be stored in the refrigerator / freezer.

For Product order, please contact us / informasi dan pemesanan produk :

Endah : phone/sms/Whatsapp : +6281224005575


email :

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